1998-2008 / digital communications. sophomore course. department of design & environmental analysis. cornell university. ithaca.

dea 2030 is a graphic design studio based on the use of digital information technology. the primary course objective is to reinforce principles of visual communications while learning the rudiments of vector (adobe illustrator), raster (adobe photoshop), and html (adobe golive) graphic software. concepts about representation, expression, composition, color, and interactivity will be explored through project-based learning.

the course consists of a series of one-week exercises combining principles of graphic design with information technology. the projects will focus on both real and virtual two-dimensional materials pertaining to the built environment. all of the assignments will contribute towards the development of a student's personal online digital portfolio, the capstone project for the semester. on-line quickstart textbooks supplement the class instruction. exemplary works are exhibited in the virtual gallery located at the course website and in the department gallery.