2000-2010. studio viii: re/constructing identities. senior studio. department of design & environmental analysis. cornell university. ithaca.

dea4402 is the final studio of the interior design program. the major course objectives are for students to become self-aware about their design positions, to develop effective means of expressing these positions, and to expand the student's understanding of design responsibilities, especially as they pertain to social and environmental justice, through project-based learning.

the course consists of five related projects: world re/viewing, self re/viewing, self-projecting, world-making, and self-making. all of the assignments contribute towards the development of a personal student portfolio, which served as the capstone project for the semester. the course utilizes a variety of manual and digital communication skills throughout. required readings include theories and manifestos, jencks & kropf; on beauty and being just, scarry; building, dwelling, thinking, heidegger; the poetics of space, bachelard.