simone de beauvoir, coming of age (1970) one's life has value so long as one attributes value to the life of others.

my understanding of service is related to that of citizenry. it is important to participate in the issues that are affecting people, whether inside the university or out. it is simply another way to ensure that the knowledge and skills developed in academia are in step with real needs of real people. i do not have an extension appointment, but the nature of my research lends itself easily to this kind of activity.

service also provides opportunities to get to know your local community better, both in academia and without. it is very easy to lose sight of the bigger picture with the demands of teaching and research. some of my most interesting and productive conversations have been with people i never would have met if it were not for some issues that brought us together. i see service not simply as a duty. i find it very satisfying, often verging on fun.

service can also form an important component of design education. involvement in the local community helps students synthesize abstract concepts into real world understandings as they work with complex people and their complex ideas. through a participatory, real-world approach to learning, service experiences demonstrate how the students can "make a difference" and become the change they wish to see (or be) through a kind of "design activism". hopefully these positive associations with service will persist long after the student has left my charge.

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